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While the Summer seemingly evaporated due to our house sale, moving to temporary housing, and getting our build started, Autumn seems to be moving at the same pace and November is barreling down upon us!

Our home and studio build is officially underway!! This is obviously a big milestone for us. We took one last look at the building site along with markers from the surveyor and could visualize the new space. It was very exciting but a bit daunting. It's very difficult to see dimensions in the abstract on a large piece of property without any reference points. The best I could do was to pull our Jeep pickup into what will be one bay of our garage. That helped because we knew how it fit in our old house and the current rental house, so seeing space on either end of it was great and got us comfortable with the dimension. Really quite an illusion. The studio building is large and is connected to the home structure via a corridor. Suddenly a 50' x 42' space seemed tiny! It obviously isn't, but it sure looked puny on all of that open space.

I'm not including any pictures until there is some framing to look at, so expect that you can follow this blog and see progress from the ground up for those interested.

While all of this is going on, it's Grammy voting season! We submitted our second Soul Rash album, Legacy, for consideration in three categories. Another milestone! While this is a healthy process and one that I have participated in for ~25 years, it is always shocking to see our entry among all of the other competitors. Our categories are crowded ones and, statistically, it is highly unlikely we are nominated. Names like Taylor Swift, Bruce Springsteen and U2 are along side Soul Rash. There are so many talented artists out there in all categories, that it becomes a bit of a marketing budget competition in the larger categories we compete in. Of the people I know personally that have won Grammy nominations and awards, they tend to be in categories with less competition like New Age, Ambient, Chant, or Children's Music. All completely legitimate genres of course, I'm just pointing out that they usually don't have big names and marketing engines to compete with. I did a ton of listening in the categories that I vote in and really try to give it my attention as best I can. Good luck to all the entrants! Tomorrow, Oct 20th is the deadline for this round and I will submit all that I have chosen by the deadline.

That's all for now. The next update SHOULD include some pictures of the building site and possible more on our eventual rebrand from 5450' Studios to Timber Canyon Studios (another milestone?). Stay tuned - Jim

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