Things are still every bit as terrifying and exciting as they were when I wrote my last post. Much progress has been made. As I write this, our house is being appraised as it is now SOLD and in contract! This has triggered a series of events that Marie and I are working through and will be for some time! We are preparing ALL of our belongings to move them over to a house we leased for a year while our new Wyoming home and studio is built. We will begin moving things over and, by this time next week we have some help coming to move the heavier stuff. Speaking of heavier stuff - I have to get the entirety of the studio there and will me setting up a minimum viable studio to work out of until we do the move to WY next year. Nothing terrifies me more than having to move the new SSL Origin console that we moved in here back in December. It is very large, heavy, fragile (in some ways) and obviously the centerpiece of my plans for the WY studio. The amount of stress and anxiety around moving it is pretty much off the charts and rightly so. I'll feel much better when it's all setup in it's new temporary home!
A reminder of the size and scale of the SSL console from its arrival day last December.

Moving on to even more exciting stuff - I somehow won a raffle that I enter once or twice a year. After Bob Moog (the legendary inventor of Moog synthesizers) passed away some years ago, his daughter Michelle established the Moogseum and The Bob Moog Foundation. For years they have run fundraisers that have you buy raffle tickets to some very cool autographed or otherwise notorious Moog products. I have entered them for years figuring, at a minimum, this is a GREAT cause to support. I strongly recommend you visit and consider donating. Back to my story - this year a couple of months ago, I bought a couple of tickets for the latest giveaway - Serial #001 of the MiniMoog Model D reissue. This is a faithful re-creation of the infamous Model D that so many of my keyboard heroes and legends made famous in the 1970s and beyond. This is also the model that has been sitting in the Moogseum since its creation. I honestly had forgotten that I had entered it (as I usually do) UNTIL a phone call came in to my mobile phone with the name 'Michelle Moog-Koussa' at about 9am. I wasn't paying much attention really, but picked up the call and she introduced herself and told me I had won the MiniMoog! Honestly it was surreal and I'm still somewhat in disbelief BUT it was the real deal. I'm now the proud owner of this Serial #001 Minimoog Model D! I already had a Minimoog Voyager from 20+ years ago, but this one is super special for a number of reasons. It sounds GREAT and I can't wait to use it on future projects including the third Soul Rash album "Legacy". Speaking of which, we have started recording demos of the first songs so stay tuned for updates on our progress.

That's all for now! Wish me luck and I'll update again after the move to the temp house is complete! - Jim