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Update from SoCal - NAMM 2025

Jim Roberts

Updated: Jan 30

Marie and I have just returned from our annual trip to Anaheim. This year was different (and better) in many ways. We got off to a slow start at Denver Airport with a ground stop at John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana. The delay only cost us 90 minutes which, in the scheme of things, wasn't that bad. The next curve ball was an aborted landing as we were on approach. That led to another 10-15 minutes in the air but a cool tour of Orange County from 2800 ft in a 737 at no extra charge!

Tail end of the flight where we aborted the landing and made a big loop before eventually landing safely.  Marie was quite unhappy.
Tail end of the flight where we aborted the landing and made a big loop before eventually landing safely. Marie was quite unhappy.

Thankfully all was well and we were on our way. One of the most exciting things that was different this year was being joined by my cousins and my brother. That really made it special.

Matt, Stacey, Marie, Jim & Tommy (missing Brett in this pic, plus the blue overhead lights made us look a bit weird!)
Matt, Stacey, Marie, Jim & Tommy (missing Brett in this pic, plus the blue overhead lights made us look a bit weird!)
Jim, Marie, Brett, Tommy & Stacey (missing cousin Matt in this pic)
Jim, Marie, Brett, Tommy & Stacey (missing cousin Matt in this pic)

NAMM itself still has not returned to its pre-Covid size but it's still a great show and is an economical way to see almost everyone you need to in one spot (vendors, old friends, new friends, mentors, etc). One trip, many purposes.

Some highlights below:

Our studio designer and acoustician Sam Berkow, Marie & Jim
Our studio designer and acoustician Sam Berkow, Marie & Jim
Jim & Joe Berger at the Hammond stand
Jim & Joe Berger at the Hammond stand
Marie, Jim & Jon Hammond at the Hammond stand
Marie, Jim & Jon Hammond at the Hammond stand
Marie, Sylvia Massy and Jim at Sylvia's Producer's Lounge
Marie, Sylvia Massy and Jim at Sylvia's Producer's Lounge
Marie, Jim, Brett Roberts, Mike Risko (NAMM Board of Directors) and Miriam Risko of the Mike Risko Band
Marie, Jim, Brett Roberts, Mike Risko (NAMM Board of Directors) and Miriam Risko of the Mike Risko Band
John McJunkin, Jim, Marie & Brett
John McJunkin, Jim, Marie & Brett
Jeff Glixman (Producer - Kansas, Black Sabbath, Kiss, many others) & Jim
Jeff Glixman (Producer - Kansas, Black Sabbath, Kiss, many others) & Jim
Stumbled upon Jeff "Skunk" Baxter (Steely Dan, Doobie Bros) playing some Steely Dan
Stumbled upon Jeff "Skunk" Baxter (Steely Dan, Doobie Bros) playing some Steely Dan
Marie and our friend Sue Moses
Marie and our friend Sue Moses

It was a great show and much was accomplished on all fronts. Brett performed with the Mike Risko Band. They did a great job and the band sounded great.

Mike, Miriam, Brett & Gary of the Mike Risko Band on the NAMM stage
Mike, Miriam, Brett & Gary of the Mike Risko Band on the NAMM stage

Afterwards, Brett and I were checking out drum gear on the show floor.

Brett on a cool kit with some funky looking but good sounding cymbals
Brett on a cool kit with some funky looking but good sounding cymbals

A big highlight for me was shooting an impromptu promotional video for one of my favorite pieces of outboard gear. Old NY friend Jon Haber (Alto Music, RAD Distribution) blasted this out on all of his social media channels so it got a lot of visibility for me and the studio. Thanks Jon!

Jim with the Black Lion Audio 'Bluey' compressor (with the lid off to see the build quality)
Jim with the Black Lion Audio 'Bluey' compressor (with the lid off to see the build quality)

We're back to reality now and back to hounding our contractor and sub contrators to get our rooms done! The inability to produce music the way I want to is really bothering me. The sooner we get it done, the sooner I'll be back in my happy place. In the meantime, I've setup ProTools and my Genelec monitors so I can continue production of the third Soul Rash album. It's coming along, but I need my studio complete because I want to track drums, bass and additional guitars, keys and vocals here!!

Thank you to all of our music industry friends old and new as well as the family. It was a great time and was a success on both business and personal fronts.

Until next time! - JJR

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